AbstractLogger - class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger.
Abstract base class to write messages about interesting things happening to a log.
AbstractLogger() - Constructor for class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui.BrowserPrefAction
Launches a browser preferences dialog and sets the system property BrowserLauncher.BROWSER_SYSTEM_PROPERTY with the requested browser.


BROWSER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
Identifier for the system's default browser.
BROWSER_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Key to system property containing name of users preferred browser.
BROWSER_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
Key to system property containing name of users preferred browser.
BrowserDescription - interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.BrowserDescription.
Interface to general information about a browser.
BrowserLauncher - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher.
BrowserLauncher provides an API to open browsers (default or targetted) from within a Java application.
BrowserLauncher() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Initializes the browser launcher for the operating system on which the application is running.
BrowserLauncher(AbstractLogger) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Initializes the browser launcher for the operating system on which the application is running.
BrowserLauncher(AbstractLogger, BrowserLauncherErrorHandler) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Initializes the browser launcher for the operating system on which the application is running.
BrowserLauncherDefaultErrorHandler - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.exceptionhandler.BrowserLauncherDefaultErrorHandler.
The default implementation for BrowserLauncherErrorHandler.
BrowserLauncherDefaultErrorHandler() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.exceptionhandler.BrowserLauncherDefaultErrorHandler
BrowserLauncherErrorHandler - interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.exceptionhandler.BrowserLauncherErrorHandler.
This is an interface to be used by the BrowserLauncherRunner for handling exceptions.
BrowserLauncherRunner - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncherRunner.
This is a convenience class to facilitate executing the browser launch in a separate thread.
BrowserLauncherRunner(IBrowserLaunching, String, AbstractLogger, BrowserLauncherErrorHandler) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncherRunner
Takes the items necessary for launching a browser and handling any exceptions.
BrowserLauncherRunner(IBrowserLaunching, String, String, AbstractLogger, BrowserLauncherErrorHandler) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncherRunner
BrowserLauncherRunner(IBrowserLaunching, List, String, AbstractLogger, BrowserLauncherErrorHandler) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncherRunner
BrowserLauncherTestApp - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing.BrowserLauncherTestApp.
Standalone gui that allows for testing the broserlauncher code and provides a sample implementation.
BrowserLauncherTestApp() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing.BrowserLauncherTestApp
BrowserLaunchingExecutionException - exception edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception.BrowserLaunchingExecutionException.
Exception thrown if there is problem during the attempt to launch a browser.
BrowserLaunchingExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception.BrowserLaunchingExecutionException
BrowserLaunchingExecutionException(String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception.BrowserLaunchingExecutionException
BrowserLaunchingFactory - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.BrowserLaunchingFactory.
Factory for determining the OS and returning the appropriate version of IBrowserLaunching.
BrowserLaunchingFactory() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.BrowserLaunchingFactory
BrowserLaunchingInitializingException - exception edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception.BrowserLaunchingInitializingException.
Exception thrown if there is a problem during initialization.
BrowserLaunchingInitializingException(Exception) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception.BrowserLaunchingInitializingException
BrowserLaunchingInitializingException(String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception.BrowserLaunchingInitializingException
BrowserPrefAction - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui.BrowserPrefAction.
BrowserPrefAction(String, BrowserLauncher, JFrame) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui.BrowserPrefAction
BrowserPrefAction(String, Icon, BrowserLauncher, JFrame) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui.BrowserPrefAction
BrowserPrefDialog - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui.BrowserPrefDialog.
BrowserPrefDialog(Dialog, BrowserLauncher) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui.BrowserPrefDialog
BrowserPrefDialog(Frame, BrowserLauncher) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui.BrowserPrefDialog


CONFIGFILE_LINUX_UNIX - Static variable in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
config file for linux/unix
CONFIGFILE_SUNOS - Static variable in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.SunOSBrowserLaunching
config file for SunOS.
checkLevel(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
createSystemBrowserLaunching(AbstractLogger) - Static method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.BrowserLaunchingFactory
Analyzes the name of the underlying operating system based on the "os.name" system property and returns the IBrowserLaunching version appropriate for the O/S.


DEBUG - Static variable in class net.sf.wraplog.Level
Logging level for messages that usually are of no interest for the user.
debug(String) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger


ERROR - Static variable in class net.sf.wraplog.Level
Logging level for messages that explain why the desired operation cannot be performed.
edu.stanford.ejalbert - package edu.stanford.ejalbert
edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui - package edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui
edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception - package edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception
edu.stanford.ejalbert.exceptionhandler - package edu.stanford.ejalbert.exceptionhandler
edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching - package edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching
edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos - package edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos
edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc - package edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc
edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows - package edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows
edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing - package edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing
error(String) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger


FINDER_CREATOR - Static variable in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOsBrowserLaunching
The creator code of the Finder on a Macintosh, which is needed to send AppleEvents to the application.


getArgsForForcingNewBrowserWindow(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.StandardUnixBrowser
getArgsForForcingNewBrowserWindow(String) - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixBrowser
getArgsForOpenBrowser(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.StandardUnixBrowser
Returns the command line arguments for addressing an already open browser.
getArgsForOpenBrowser(String) - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixBrowser
Returns the command line arguments for addressing an already open browser.
getArgsForStartingBrowser(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.StandardUnixBrowser
Returns the command line arguments for starting a new browser instance.
getArgsForStartingBrowser(String) - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixBrowser
Returns the command line arguments for starting a new browser instance.
getBrowser(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Provides access the browsers map for extending classes.
getBrowserApplicationName() - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.BrowserDescription
Returns name of executable.
getBrowserApplicationName() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.StandardUnixBrowser
Returns the executable name for the browser.
getBrowserApplicationName() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowser
Returns the name of the executable for the browser.
getBrowserDisplayName() - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.BrowserDescription
Returns browser display name.
getBrowserDisplayName() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.StandardUnixBrowser
Returns the display name for the browser.
getBrowserDisplayName() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowser
Returns the display name for the browser.
getBrowserList() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Returns a list of browsers to be used for browser targetting.
getBrowserList() - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
Returns a list of browsers to be used for browser targetting.
getBrowserList() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_0BrowserLaunching
Returns a list of browsers to be used for browser targetting.
getBrowserList() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_1BrowserLaunching
Returns a list of browsers to be used for browser targetting.
getBrowserList() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_0BrowserLaunching
Returns a list of browsers to be used for browser targetting.
getBrowserList() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_1BrowserLaunching
Returns a list of browsers to be used for browser targetting.
getBrowserList() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Returns a list of browsers to be used for browser targetting.
getBrowserList() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
Returns a list of browsers to be used for browser targetting.
getForceNewWindowArgs() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowser
Returns arguments used for forcing a new window.
getLevel() - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
getLevelOptions() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing.TestAppLogger
getLevelText() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing.TestAppLogger
getLevelText(int) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.SystemLogger
Return a text that represents logLevel.
getLoggedMessageCount() - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
Count of how many messages have been logged.
getLogger() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Returns the logger being used by this BrowserLauncher instance.
getLogger(String) - Static method in class net.sf.wraplog.Logger
getLogger(Class) - Static method in class net.sf.wraplog.Logger
getNewWindowPolicy() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Returns the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
getNewWindowPolicy() - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
Returns the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
getNewWindowPolicy() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOsBrowserLaunching
Returns the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
getNewWindowPolicy() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Returns the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
getNewWindowPolicy() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
Returns the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
getPathToExe() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowser
getSelectedBrowser() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.browserprefui.BrowserPrefDialog
getSubDirName() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowser


handleException(Exception) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.exceptionhandler.BrowserLauncherDefaultErrorHandler
Handles exception by printing a stack trace to the console.
handleException(Exception) - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.exceptionhandler.BrowserLauncherErrorHandler
Takes an exception and does something with it.


IBrowserLaunching - interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching.
Main interface to the Browser Launching methods.
INFO - Static variable in class net.sf.wraplog.Level
Logging level for messages that tell details about normal operations currently going on.
info(String) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
info(String, Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
initialize() - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
Performs any initialization needed for the particular O/S.
initialize() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_0BrowserLaunching
initialize() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_1BrowserLaunching
initialize() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_0BrowserLaunching
initialize() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_1BrowserLaunching
initialize() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Uses the which command to find out which browsers are available.
initialize() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
Initializes the browser launcher from the windows config file.
isBrowserAvailable(AbstractLogger) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.StandardUnixBrowser
Returns true if the browser is available, ie which command finds it.
isBrowserAvailable(AbstractLogger) - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixBrowser
Returns true if the browser is available on the user's system..
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
isEnabled(int) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger


Level - class net.sf.wraplog.Level.
Declaration of different logging levels.
Level() - Constructor for class net.sf.wraplog.Level
Logger - class net.sf.wraplog.Logger.
Deprecated. -- this class is no longer part of WrapLog.
Logger() - Constructor for class net.sf.wraplog.Logger
LoggingException - exception net.sf.wraplog.LoggingException.
RuntimeException to indicate that a message could not be logged.
LoggingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class net.sf.wraplog.LoggingException
log(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
Provided that getLevel() accepts it, log message.
log(int, String, Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
Provided that getLevel() accepts it, log message and error.
logger - Variable in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
logger - Variable in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching


MacOs2_0BrowserLaunching - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_0BrowserLaunching.
MacOs2_0BrowserLaunching() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_0BrowserLaunching
MacOs2_1BrowserLaunching - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_1BrowserLaunching.
MacOs2_1BrowserLaunching() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_1BrowserLaunching
MacOs3_0BrowserLaunching - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_0BrowserLaunching.
MacOs3_0BrowserLaunching() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_0BrowserLaunching
MacOs3_1BrowserLaunching - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_1BrowserLaunching.
MacOs3_1BrowserLaunching() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_1BrowserLaunching
MacOsBrowserLaunching - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOsBrowserLaunching.
MacOsBrowserLaunching() - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOsBrowserLaunching
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Opens a browser and url from the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing.BrowserLauncherTestApp


NoneLogger - class net.sf.wraplog.NoneLogger.
A Logger that does not log anywhere.
NoneLogger() - Constructor for class net.sf.wraplog.NoneLogger
net.sf.wraplog - package net.sf.wraplog


openURL(String) - Static method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Deprecated. -- create a BrowserLauncher object and use it instead of calling this static method.
openURLinBrowser(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Attempts to open a browser and direct it to the passed url.
openURLinBrowser(String, String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Attempts to open a specific browser and direct it to the passed url.
openURLinBrowser(List, String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Iterates through the list of browsers until it finds one that is available on the user's system.
openUrl(String) - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
Opens the passed url in the system's default browser.
openUrl(String, String) - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
Allows user to target a specific browser.
openUrl(List, String) - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
Allows user to target several browsers.
openUrl(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_0BrowserLaunching
openUrl(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs2_1BrowserLaunching
openUrl(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_0BrowserLaunching
openUrl(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOs3_1BrowserLaunching
openUrl(String, String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOsBrowserLaunching
Falls through to non-targetted openUrl method.
openUrl(List, String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOsBrowserLaunching
Falls through to non-targetted openUrl method.
openUrl(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.SunOSBrowserLaunching
Opens a url using the default browser.
openUrl(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Opens a url in one of the available browsers.
openUrl(String, String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Opens a url in the specified browser.
openUrl(List, String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Allows user to target several browsers.
openUrl(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
Opens a url using the default browser.
openUrl(String, String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
Opens a url using a specific browser.
openUrl(List, String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
Allows user to target several browsers.
openUrlWithBrowser(UnixBrowser, String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Attempts to open a url with the specified browser.


PROP_KEY_BROWSER_PREFIX - Static variable in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
prefix used for property file keys that define a browser
PROP_KEY_DELIMITER - Static variable in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
property file key for delimiter character used in other properties.
PROTOCOL_FILE - Static variable in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
file protocol
PROTOCOL_HTTP - Static variable in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
http protocol
PROTOCOL_MAILTO - Static variable in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
mailto protocol


reallyLog(int, String, Throwable) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing.TestAppLogger
Logs a message and optional error details.
reallyLog(int, String, Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
Logs a message and optional error details.
reallyLog(int, String, Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.NoneLogger
Does nothing.
reallyLog(int, String, Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.SystemLogger
run() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncherRunner
When an object implementing interface Runnable is used to create a thread, starting the thread causes the object's run method to be called in that separately executing thread.


StandardUnixBrowser - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.StandardUnixBrowser.
Contains information on a unix browser.
StandardUnixBrowser(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.StandardUnixBrowser
Splits the config string using the configSep character.
SunOSBrowserLaunching - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.SunOSBrowserLaunching.
Launches a default browser on SunOS Unix systems using the sdtwebclient command.
SunOSBrowserLaunching(AbstractLogger) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.SunOSBrowserLaunching
Passes the logger and config file for SunOS to its super class.
SystemLogger - class net.sf.wraplog.SystemLogger.
Logger to write messages to System.out (debug, info) and System.err (warn, error).
SystemLogger() - Constructor for class net.sf.wraplog.SystemLogger
setLevel(int) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
setNewWindowPolicy(boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.BrowserLauncher
Sets the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
setNewWindowPolicy(boolean) - Method in interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.IBrowserLaunching
Sets the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
setNewWindowPolicy(boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.macos.MacOsBrowserLaunching
Sets the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
setNewWindowPolicy(boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Sets the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
setNewWindowPolicy(boolean) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
Sets the policy used for opening a url in a browser.
setPathToExe(String) - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowser


TestAppLogger - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing.TestAppLogger.
Implements a logger for the test application.
TestAppLogger(JTextArea, String[], String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.testing.TestAppLogger
toString() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.StandardUnixBrowser
Returns debug information.
toString() - Method in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowser
Returns displayname and executable name for debugging.


UnixBrowser - interface edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixBrowser.
Augments the standard browser description with information specific to a Unix type browser.
UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching.
Tries several browsers (mozilla, netscape, firefox, opera, and konqueror).
UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching(AbstractLogger, String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.misc.UnixNetscapeBrowserLaunching
Sets the logger and config file name.
UnsupportedOperatingSystemException - exception edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception.UnsupportedOperatingSystemException.
Exception thrown when the Operating System is not supported by the browser launcher project.
UnsupportedOperatingSystemException(String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception.UnsupportedOperatingSystemException
UnsupportedOperatingSystemException(Throwable) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.exception.UnsupportedOperatingSystemException


WARN - Static variable in class net.sf.wraplog.Level
Logging level for message that notify that the things can be processed, but the user might want to take a closer look at the current situation.
WINKEY_WIN2000 - Static variable in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
config file key for Windows 2000
WINKEY_WIN9X - Static variable in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
config file key for Windows 9x
WINKEY_WINNT - Static variable in class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
config file key for Windows NT
WindowsBrowser - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowser.
Encapsulates information on a Windows browser.
WindowsBrowser(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowser
Splits the config string using the delimiter character and sets the display name; executable; new window argument; and Program Files sub directory name.
WindowsBrowserLaunching - class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching.
Handles initialization, configuration, and calls to open a url.
WindowsBrowserLaunching(AbstractLogger, String) - Constructor for class edu.stanford.ejalbert.launching.windows.WindowsBrowserLaunching
Checks that the windows key is valid.
warn(String) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.wraplog.AbstractLogger